Thief in the Night

dad's artInspiration comes to the thief in the night,

sneaking slow, dripping down the stairs.

When he no longer sleeps but stares

to the blank spaces where no moon feeds light

the mind receives,

domed and amplified,

canopies now quiet.

No bird enlivened bowers

in these lonely hours

when everything is still,

awaiting the next interval of heavy showers.

A tiny light hangs over the desk of the writer,

restless on elbows

words parched and thoughts that require

a personal drought

to become another bout

with its ticking clock counting down

in pendulous distraction,

hiding substance within a capricious attraction.

Lucidity, before the birthright resents me

for a wavering fascination,

a minute turns to an eternity,

searching out the mundane for that elusive quality.

An El Dorado somewhere in this jungle

tempting explorers to go half mad and in circles

through territory oppressed by heavy shadow.

Here, even an enlightened thought can be sentenced

to the darkest hole without a candle to offer repentance.

Through the shades and the cracks,

where the imagination receives the information it lacks

to keep the mind gathering the early hour patter

in trees that form a clearing,

renewing the ideas that scatter

like leaves in the breeze,

scraping the sheath

so that the gleam can emerge slowly,

deciphering the real from the concrete

where nothing is absorbed

of the rain’s rhythmic drumbeat.

It blows towards me suddenly,

with the orphaned scent of forest moss

something that is shared by all those who are lost.

The mountains, garbed and veiled

crisscross the valley

to ensnare, momentarily,

all the stolen bounty the sea receives

and in that liminal time I am lulled to sleep,

albeit briefly, nodding off, a welcome reprieve,

for the words sometimes come through in dreams,

transcribed from some other hand,

that means to become my own,

grasping at inner sources,

I’m tossed another bone.


(Image by Dominick Takis Sr. Acrylic, Oil, Cutout Media, Organic Matter on and behind MRI Film)